Gas Purchasing
This one's easy!
Well, it's easy for you anyway.
ABQ's Gas Supply Management Service is the complete management and administration of all aspects of delivering your natural gas supply from the market to your facilities. We do the work, you count the money! In providing this service, ABQ will:
- develop and implement a recommended purchasing and trading strategy;
- manage natural gas purchases for your full requirement;
- manage nominations and scheduling of all volumes on both the interstate and local distribution systems;
- compare and reconcile actual volumes to the Client's nominated firm capacity rights to ensure fair volume allocations, and charges;
- calculate, monitor, and manage any resulting pipeline imbalances;
- manage price risk; and
- provide monthly reporting to the Client of purchase costs, hedge gains or losses, associated transactions costs, transportation and storage fees.
"What's in it for me?"
- More stable natural gas costs, and reduced price risk.
- Experienced professional assistance in the development and implementation of corporate trading and cost management policies and strategies.
- Streamlined operations.
- Reduced costs.
So, how much does all of this cost?
Gas Supply Management Service fees are based on volumes and billed on a per delivered MMBtu basis, plus a percentage of Value Enhancements. Our objectives are aligned in obtaining the lowest possible cost for your supplies. When we perform well, so do you.