office (505) 341-9069
fax (505) 341-0618


So, how can Our Company make a difference to Your Company?

We are the ABQ Energy Group, Ltd.

We offer you alternatives.


We are a Company determined to change the rules about how businesses like yours manage their energy assets. ABQ offers comprehensive service packages aimed at increasing your revenues, decreasing your costs, and simplifying your business. Our fees are performance based, so you can feel confident that our interests are always completely aligned.

We are an independent, solution-driven company. We make it our business to get to know your business. Our services include everything from strategic advice to commodity trading to bookkeeping and compliance. You decide how much or how little you need.

We are a down-to-earth group of people who are passionate about what we do. What we do is help business people like you. We are a business partner looking for long-term relationships, not long-term contracts.

As your agent, our interests are always parallel. We can give you an edge in a highly competitive energy marketplace. We work for you.

Call us…we can make a difference!