Cost Acct. & Reporting
Cost Accounting & Reporting
ABQ Energy Group, Ltd. offers a variety of Accounting Services on an outsourced-basis. We offer them as a part of our Gas Supply Management Services, or as a stand-alone item. However you choose them, these services are aimed at cost accounting and reporting that is specific to the natural gas industry in addition to the more generalized accounting needs of your company. Outsourcing gives you the benefit of a professional staff without the cost of full time employees.
ABQ also offers Contract Audit Services. These valuable services allow you to review the performance of your business associates and to catch and correct costly errors in a timely manner. Purchasing and moving natural gas is a highly detailed business. Erroneous data or erroneous calculations can reduce your proceeds significantly, costing you some serious cash. ABQ can review your contracts for things such as purchases and pricing, transportation, and gas balancing to determine if the "other guy" is complying with the terms of those agreements. Our report will itemize any discrepancies that are found and compute or estimate the amount of the recommended claim for adjustment. "Cha-Ching!"